Flags are at half-staff today all over the United States. I didn’t get the chance to check what it was for, but by common sense I knew pretty much the reason behind it. It’s been a sad, sad week for the United States. A number of sad events have taken place only on the second day of the week. End of last week, a 12 year-old girl committed suicide after getting continuously bullied by her female classmates on an online discussion board over a boy. The funeral took place yesterday, on Monday. The same Monday when the funeral took place, a violent shootings happened in a military base in Washington D.C. The latest report says that 12 people were killed in that incident, the highest death toll in any military facilities after the 2009 shooting rampage in Fort Hood. If that’s not enough, Monday also witnessed the murder of a certain Jonathan Ferrell of Georgia by a police officer. Police arrived in the scene following a 911 call by a woman who reported that an unknown man had been continuously knocking on her door. When the police arrived there, an African American man matching the description given by the 911 caller ran towards the police officers. An officer shot him thinking that the man was charging at him. Police report suspected that Ferrell had been involved in a car crash and his “charging at” the police was an attempt to find a rescuer. Indeed, we do have the reason to be sad over here, as much as Syrian people who have been witnessing endless killing rampage as ordered by Bashar al-Assad.