Categories Techlife


In the past three days I’ve been amazed by how fast and accurate the Swype feature of Android is. I think this feature is only available in the latest version of Android. I remember how i was amazed around 8 years ago by the feature called T9 in…

Categories video

Melanggar Batas Kecepatan Tanpa Merasa Salah

Dalam kesempatan ini, saya pingin mengajak Anda sekalian melihat jalan dari depan rumah hingga ke kampus. Silakan lihat betapa dekatnya rumah saya dengan kampus. Selain itu, di dalam video mungkin sudah mulai bisa melihat pucuk-pucuk daunan sudah mulai oranye. Seminggu dua minggu lagi, dijamin tidak akan ada  lagi…

Categories random

False Confession

I’m at a laundromat near my apartment complex. It’s a good time to relax and free-write. This time I’d like to write about a program on NPR that i was listening to on my way to this place. The program was about the confession of an FBI agent…

Categories Foto

Kucing Liar Tempat Istirah

Hari Sabtu kemarin, dalam perjalanan balik dari Yellville, kami mampir sejenak di Rest Area dan Welcome Center yang menyambut para pengunjung Arkansas dari kawasan Missouri. Tempat Istirah ini cukup menarik karena dia tidak berada di tengah-tengah jalan lintas negara bagian sebagaimana umumnya. Lokasinya hanya beberapa mil di luar…

Categories Techlife

How to Make Life Easier with Labels/Filters Feature in Gmail

Do you have many circles of contacts? In my case, I do. I have friends and relatives, administrative people in the university, business partners and clients, and students. Do you receive a lot of emails from them? In my case, I do–especially from the last group. Do you…