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Bocor Oli

Kebocoran oli adalah hal yang wajar dalam kehidupan bermobil. Nyaris semua mobil tua mengalami kebocoran oli. Hanya mobil-mobil tua luar biasa saja yang tidak. Mater, tokoh utama dalam film animasi Cars dan Cars II produksi Pixar-Disney adalah satu di antara sekian pribadi tua adiluhung yang tidak bocor oli. Sebagai hiburan, saya akan kutipkan di…

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Anima Isaiah

Anima Isaiah Esai yang sangat runtut dan berbobot! Jarang-jarang menemukan tulisan untuk portal online yang sesabar tapi setajam ini, sampai-sampai saya nyaris tergelincir merasa sudah mengenal garis besar pemikiran Berlin–biasa lah, perjalanan dari nol menuju satu itu selalu mencengangkan bagi saya. Esai ini merupakan tanggapan Nuruddin atas tulisan…

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The Herskovitz-Frazier Debate

In studying the culture and religion of African American people, we will get to this famous debate on the continuity of African American culture. On one hand, Herskovitz argues that the African slaves managed to preserve their tradition since the slavery era and thus their religions, although now…

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Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day

Writing Your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day I don’t wanna say much. My advisor suggested that I read this book some three or four years ago when I started writing my thesis. I didn’t really do what this book suggested because for some reason I didn’t find…

Categories Techlife


In the past three days I’ve been amazed by how fast and accurate the Swype feature of Android is. I think this feature is only available in the latest version of Android. I remember how i was amazed around 8 years ago by the feature called T9 in…