Categories American Islam

Unmosqued the Movie – Teaser

Unmosqued the Movie – Teaser Earlier this week, ABC featured a news article about the rising demand for US-born imams. The article claims that presumably non-U.S.born imams tend to fail to relate to the younger American Muslims and American-born Muslims in general. There’s truth in it, I believe.…

Demand for U.S.-Born Imams Up in American Mosques

Demand for U.S.-Born Imams Up in American Mosques In the introduction of Progressive Muslims, Omid Safi, the editor, says that one of the biggest concerns among those who care about the current state of the American Muslims is the growing fundamentalism among the American Muslims. One of the points…

Jack Shaheen’s Reel Bad Arabs

Chances are you have seen action movies where you see negative portrayals of Arab characters, whether they be in turbans, desert camos, or suits and ties. Or probably you’ve also seen main characters in a movie talk about the Arabs as some distant, primitive people. Indeed, Hollywood has…

Islami tanpa Islami Secara Eksplisit

(Sebagai rujukan, silakan baca storify ini setelah atau sebelum baca postingan ini.) Kembali disadarkan bahwa meskipun agak-agak sok modern, pola pikir saya seringkali juga ketinggalan zaman. Barusan saya menemukan twitter mufasir M. Quraish Shihab dan sempat kaget mengetahui fakta tersebut. Tapi sebentar kemudian saya sadar: ah, zaman sekarang,…

Categories American Islam

Harta yang Berguna

Hari ini kita berbicara tentang pengalaman menjadi orang Islam. Saya harus mengakui bahwa hafalan ayat-ayat al-Quran saya sangat sedikit. Saya tidak punya satu pun hafalan surat panjang. Semua hafalan saya dari juz 30 alquran, yang suratnya kebanyakan pendek dan ritmis dan puitis. Jadi, saat sholat, bacaan surat saya…

Categories American Islam Foto

Islamic Center of Northwest Arkansas

Mumpung lagi momen lebaran, biarkanlah hamba mengupload foto masjid di kawasan Northwest Arkansas, yang tepatnya berkedudukan di kota Fayetteville. Silakan mulai mendiskusikan arsitekturnya yang separuh ingin Arab tapi tidak bisa meninggalkan citarasa hiperrealis Amerika. 😀

Categories American Islam

Burqa-ed Student Searched “Because [of] Boston…”

Muslim Garb Gets a Student Singled Out  in a Festival Let me quote a little bit  from the news story I found on the Houston Chronicles: When a fire alarm went off Saturday at Westchase Marriott, disrupting a “master class” being held by Houston WorldFest, the organization’s founder…