Mai Ziadeh: Contoh Kasus “Cantik Itu Luka”

Disclaimer: Sebenarnya tulisan singkat ini adalah salah satu tugas bikin lema ensiklopedia tentang penulis perempuan Arab. Tapi, mengingat ketenaran Khalil Gibran (atau Kahlil Gibran) di Indonesia, dan pernah diterjemahkannya buku surat cinta Gibran kepada Mai Ziadeh, maka saya pikir perlu juga dishare di sini, meskipun belum sempat saya…

Reel Bad Arabs – Jack Shaheen – KUAF 91.3 FM

Reel Bad Arabs – Jack Shaheen Interview at KUAF 91.3 FM I was swerving into the parking lot when I heard the radio broadcaster talk about the image of Arabs in the American cinema. I kept listening until it confirmed my suspicion–that it would eventually lead to Jack…

Diana Abu-Jaber

Short bio of Diana Abu-Jaber. Here is the information about the author, a piece of information that is far from being comprehensive. The page doesn’t include information about Ms. Abu-Jaber’s second, third and fourth novels. It gives an inaccurate account of the novelist’s second and third novels. According…